Paintings by Wolfgang Hock 2015-17 Recent Work Études Françaises - French Studies New Figure 2015 -16 New Landscape Long-forgotten Bus 2015 See my artwork at: Artifact Gallery New York ARAUCO Galerie N�rnberg K�nstler der Galerie 20 Jahre ARAUCO ART UpCLOSE New York - Miami - M. Carlo A Survey of Contemporary Art ARTisSpectrum Vol. 33 New York ARTisSpectrum Vol. 31 New York Effetto Arte Catalogo - Biennale Palermo Agora Gallery - New York Manhattan Chelsea Wolfgang Hock: "Frech, impulsive and honest" AWARDS: International Art Award - Raffaello Sanzio Award Maestro D'Arte - Italia in Arte Special Award Human Rights Certificate of Excellence of the Major International Art Competition of Art Horizons in New York 1988 Crucial: Photography as art is dead ? This has changed now radically: Chemical photography is over definitely, it is the real loser all along the line, for it has changed everything. Who had thought that some decades before ? My Paintings ... are made from visual imaginations and memories. Scenes of personal life and from the travels between my two worlds, Latin America and Europe, are the starting point ... More Writings ... Hock's Studios ... Vita ...